Entries by Rob Rosasco

Just How Long Should a Law Firm Blog Be?

500 Words, 1,000 Words, What Is The Right Length For A Legal Blog? One of the best ways to boost your law firm’s online presence is through consistent content marketing. Specifically, when you create a blog and post the right type of quality content regularly, you can increase the traffic to your website as well […]

Don’t make the marketing mistake that most firms do….

The benefit of working with law firms for over 20 years is you see a lot. Much like the proverbial “fly on the wall” you see firsthand things that work and things that do not. That is why specializing in law firm marketing works for us. We don’t have to “experiment” with our customers to […]

Just How Important Are Legal Directories?

How Many Directories is Your Firm Listed With? With so many different ways to establish online visibility for your law firm, you might wonder whether it’s worth it to participate in legal directories. In truth, these are some of the simplest and most effective ways for attorneys to grow their online presence and get some […]


Local SEO & Law Firm Marketing

Boost Your Local Ranking And Be The Go-To Firm In Your Area Consumers are increasingly searching for businesses that are “local” to them. Some research estimates that nearly half of all searches on Google are now local, such as “coffee near me” or “business lawyer in Los Angeles.” The search engines have responded by creating […]